image of Stanisław Lem

Stanisław Lem

* September 12, 1921 in Poland - † in Poland
... Unknown

Return from the Stars is a science fiction novel by Polish author Stanisław Lem. Written in 1961, it revolves around the story of a cosmonaut returning to his homeworld, Earth, and finding it a completely different place than when he left. The novel touches among the ideas of alienation, culture shock and dystopias. …

... Unknown
... Unknown

The Investigation is a science fiction/detective novel by the Polish writer Stanisław Lem, published in 1959. The novel is set in a typically foggy London. A young Scotland Yard lieutenant is charged to investigate the mysterious disappearance of corpses from London morgues. The only "explanation" is an abstruse …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Solaris on Stanisław Lemin psykologinen tieteisromaani vuodelta 1961. Solaris on vaikuttanut suuresti tieteisfantasian kehitykseen ja saanut runsaasti tunnustusta. Teos on käännetty usealle kielelle. Kirjan pohjalta on tehty kaksi elokuvaa: Andrei Tarkovskin Solaris ja Steven Soderberghin Solaris. Matti Kannoston …