[Audio CASSETTE Library Edition in vinyl case][Read by Stephen Hoye, Stefan Rudnicki, Scott Brick] In this thrilling sequel to Seventh Son, Alvin Maker is awakening to many mysteries: his own strange powers, the magic of the American frontier, and the special virtues of its chosen people, the Native Americans. Alvin …
Saints is a historical fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. It tells the story of the fictional protagonist, Dinah Kirkham, a native of Manchester, England, who immigrates to the United States and becomes one of the plural wives of Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement. Saints was originally published …
Sarah: Women of Genesis is the first novel in the Women of Genesis series by Orson Scott Card.
Stăpânul cântecelor este un roman science fiction scris de Orson Scott Card. Acțiunea cărții se petrece într-un imperiu uman din viitor și este centrată în jurul lui Ansset, un băiat frumos a cărui voce perfectă are puterea de a amplifica emoțiile, făcând din el un potențial vindecător sau distrugător. Pregătirea sa …
This full-cast production of Orson Scott Card’s newest title is finally available on audio From the end of the 18th century, Americans travelled west to find new homes and new lands. They brought with them the magics of plain people. It is from these roots of the American dream that award-winning writer Orson Scott …
The Folk of the Fringe is a collection of post-apocalyptic stories by American writer Orson Scott Card. These stories are set sometime in the near future, when World War III has left America in ruins. The stories are about how a few groups of Mormons struggle to survive. Although all of these stories in this book were …