Essere senza destino è un romanzo di formazione dello scrittore premio Nobel per la letteratura 2002 Imre Kertész, pubblicato per la prima volta in Ungheria nel 1975, ed in Italia nel 1999 da Feltrinelli. Nel libro l'autore traspone parte della propria esperienza in quella di un adolescente ebreo ungherese deportato …
Imre Kert?sz’s savagely lyrical and suspenseful new novel traces the continuing echoes the Holocaust and communism in the consciousness of contemporary Eastern Europe.Ten years after the fall of communism, a writer named B. commits suicide, devastating his circle and deeply puzzling his friend Kingsbitter. For among …
Kaddish for an Unborn Child is a novel by Imre Kertész, first published in 1990. The novel deals with the struggles of a Holocaust survivor after the war, explaining to a friend why he cannot bring a child into a world that could allow such atrocities to happen. The book also deals with the narrator's failed marriage, …