After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, and Flew Away is a young adult novel written by Joyce Carol Oates. First published in 2006, it is her fifth novel for teens.
Small Avalanches and Other Stories is a young adult collection of short stories by Joyce Carol Oates. It was her second young adult book and, as of January 2007, her only collection of short stories for young adults. It is also the longest of her young adult books. It was published in 2003 by HarperTempist.
Ils étaient cinq. Ivres, camés. L'ordinaire de leurs samedis soirs, quoi... Peut-être encore plus excités ce samedi-là, au soir du 4 juillet. Et, vers minuit, la belle Tina Maguire, après avoir célébré la fête nationale chez des amis, a eu le tort de couper court à travers le parc pour rentrer plus vite chez elle avec …