«Пустыня Тартари» — основная книга итальянского писателя Дино Буццати, опубликованная автором в 1940 году и принёсшая ему всемирную известность. В 1976 году на основе книги был снят известный одноимённый фильм итальянским режиссёром Валерио Дзурлини. Роман написан в стиле кафкианских традиций, на методе бесконечной …

La famosa invasione degli orsi in Sicilia is an Italian children’s book written and illustrated by Dino Buzzati which was translated into English by Frances Lobb as The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily. The American hardcover edition was published by HarperCollins in 2003 and the paperback was published in 2005, also …

A Love Affair is a 1963 novel by the Italian writer Dino Buzzati. It tells the story of an architect in Milan who falls in love with a much younger ballerina. The novel has an unusually conventional narrative style compared to many of the author's other works. An English translation by Joseph Green was published in …

Шестьдесят рассказов — сборник рассказов итальянского писателя Дино Буццати, впервые изданный в 1958 году.

A New York Review Books Original There’s a certain street—via Saterna—in the middle of Milan that just doesn’t show up on maps of the city. Orfi, a wildly successful young singer, lives there, and it’s there that one night he sees his gorgeous girlfriend Eura disappear, “like a spirit,” through a little door in the …