《异乡异客》是美国科幻小说作家罗伯特·海因莱茵著名的作品之一。于1961年发表,1962年获得雨果奖。 该书的主要故事是一个在火星上出生长大的瓦伦丁·麦克尔·史密斯回到地球上,认识、接触和最终改变人类社会的经历。书名出自《圣经》出埃及记第2章22节:“摩西给他起名叫革舜,意思说,因我在外邦作了寄居的。”其中海因莱茵借几个人物之口,表达了他对社会的很多观点。 …

《星舰战将》,是一部1959年出版、由罗伯特·海莱因执笔的科幻小说。故事内容以第一人称描述一名叫胡安·里科的年轻士兵,在地球联邦的机动步兵团中服役的种种经历,在故事中,未来人类政府对抗的是名叫Arachnids的外星种族。由于作者自己曾经读过军校,并在海军服役,所以尽管这是部科幻小说,军事上的描写却颇为扎实,另外在作品中渗入了不少太平洋战争等真实战争的影子,如开战时虫族奇袭了布宜诺斯艾利斯,而地球联邦的反击类似二战时美军的跳岛战术。小说中涉及了政治体制的运作,引来了一些争议与批评,有人指出虫族是影射共产集团,而故事中的地球联邦也被批评是军国主义。 《星舰战将》在1960年获得该年的雨果奖最佳小说。 …

《异乡异客》是美国科幻小说作家罗伯特·海因莱茵著名的作品之一。于1961年发表,1962年获得雨果奖。 该书的主要故事是一个在火星上出生长大的瓦伦丁·麦克尔·史密斯回到地球上,认识、接触和最终改变人类社会的经历。书名出自《圣经》出埃及记第2章22节:“摩西给他起名叫革舜,意思说,因我在外邦作了寄居的。”其中海因莱茵借几个人物之口,表达了他对社会的很多观点。 …

Time Enough for Love is a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein, first published in 1973. The work was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1973 and both the Hugo and Locus Awards in 1974.

A fast-paced, science fiction romp through multiple universes from the bestselling author of Starship Troopers and Stranger in a Strange Land.“[Heinlein] is, if possible, a greater genius than ever before...this time by giving us a thinking man’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”—San Francisco ChronicleDr. Richard …

The Door into Summer is a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein, originally serialized in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and published in hardcover in 1957. It is a fast-paced hard science fiction novel, with a key fantastic element, and romantic elements. In three separate Locus Magazine readers …

When two male and two female supremely sensual, unspeakably cerebral humans find themselves under attack from aliens who want their awesome quantum breakthrough, they take to the skies -- and zoom into the cosmos on a rocket roller coaster ride of adventure and danger, ecstasy and peril.

Have Space Suit—Will Travel is a science fiction novel for young readers by Robert A. Heinlein, originally serialised in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and published by Scribner's in hardcover in 1958. It is the last of the Heinlein juveniles. Heinlein made use of his engineering expertise to add …