image of Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians 5-book Boxed Set is a collection of books written by Rick Riordan. The set includes the best-selling The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters,The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympians.

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Neptunův syn je druhý díl fantasy série Bohové Olympu. Tento díl je vyprávěn dalšími třemi postavami. Percy se dostává do Jupiterova Tábora, zatímco Jason do Tábora Polokrevných. Percy si stejně jako Jason pamatuje na jednu osobu v životě. Spolu se vydávají na výpravu za osvobozením ducha smrti Thanata a poražením zlé …

... Unknown

The Throne of Fire is a 2011 fantasy adventure novel written by Rick Riordan. It is the second novel in The Kane Chronicles series, which tells of the adventures of modern day fourteen-year-old Carter Kane and his twelve-year-old sister - Sadie Kane, as they discover that they are descended from the ancient Egyptian …