From the Dust Returned is a fix-up fantasy novel by Ray Bradbury published in 2001. The novel is largely created from a series of short stories Bradbury wrote decades earlier, centering around a family of Illinois-based monsters and ghosts named the Elliotts. The stories originally appeared in the magazines The …
『メランコリイの妙薬』は、1959年に刊行されたレイ・ブラッドベリの短編集である。日本語版は吉田誠一の翻訳により、早川書房で異色作家短篇集として1961年・1974年・2006年の3度にわたって刊行されている。 …
Dinosaur Tales is a 1983 short story collection by Ray Bradbury. Several of the stories are original to this collection. Other stories were first published in Collier's and The Saturday Evening Post magazines. The collection contains over 60 pages of illustrations by Gahan Wilson, William Stout, Steranko, Moebius, …
The Halloween Tree is a 1972 fantasy novel by American author Ray Bradbury which traces the history of Samhain and Halloween.
Death Is a Lonely Business is a mystery novel by Ray Bradbury published in 1985. The story, set in 1959, is about a series of murders that happen in Venice, California, then a declining seaside community in Los Angeles where Bradbury lived from 1942 to 1950. The main character and narrator is a sensitive, modest …
人類は火星へ火星へと寄せ波のように押し寄せ、やがて地球人の村ができ、町ができ、哀れな火星人たちは、その廃墟からしだいに姿を消していった……抒情と幻想の詩人が、オムニバス中・短篇によって紡ぎあげた、SF文学史上に燦然と輝く永遠の記念碑。新たな序文と二短篇を加えた〔新版〕を底本とする電子書籍版登場。 …
The Cat's Pajamas: Stories is a collection of short stories by Ray Bradbury. Its name of its title story comes from a phrase in English meaning a sought after and fancy thing. Another collection by the same name was published in the same year by fellow science-fiction author James Morrow.