The Woman in Black is a 1983 horror novella by Susan Hill, written in the style of a traditional Gothic novel. The plot concerns a mysterious spectre that haunts a small English town, heralding the death of children. A television film based on the story, also called The Woman in Black, was produced in 1989, with a …

The Various Haunts of Men is a novel by Susan Hill. It is the first in a series of seven "Simon Serrailler" crime novels by the author. It concerns the disappearance of people in English cathedral town of Lafferton and the resulting police investigations

The Pure in Heart is a novel by Susan Hill. It is the second in a series of crime novels which contains The Various Haunts of Men and The Risk of Darkness.

The Risk of Darkness is a novel by Susan Hill. It is the third novel in the "Simon Serrailler" crime series.

The Man in the Picture: A Ghost Story, is a novel by English author Susan Hill, first published in 2007 by Profile Books. It has been featured as BBC Radio 4's Book at Bedtime.

Mrs de Winter is a novel by Susan Hill published in 1993. It is the sequel to the novel Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.

I’m the King of the Castle is a novel written by Susan Hill, originally published in 1970. The French film Je suis le seigneur du château of 1989 and directed by Régis Wargnier is loosely based on the novel.

The Small Hand: A Ghost Story, is a novel by English author Susan Hill, first published in 2010 by Profile Books.