Zbójcy – dramat Friedricha Schillera, wydany w roku 1781. Jeden z najwcześniejszych utworów Schillera, pisany w okresie zaostrzonego reżimu studiów w akademii wojskowej. Inspiracją dramatu było opowiadanie Christiana Friedricha Schubarta, jednego z czołowych reprezentantów okresu pokolenia burzy i naporu - Zur …

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) was a German poet, philosopher, historian, and dramatist. Schiller wrote many philosophical papers on ethics and aesthetics. He developed the concept of the Schöne Seele (beautiful soul), a human being whose emotions have been educated by his reason, so that Pflicht …

When Schiller completed Wilhelm Tell as a "New Year's Gift for 1805" he foretold that it would cause a stir. He was right. In the midst of Great Power politics a play which drew substance from one of the fourteenth-century liberation movements proved both attractive and inflammatory. Since then the work as become …