《卡拉馬助夫兄弟們》是俄羅斯作家杜斯妥也夫斯基創作的最後一部長篇小說,通常也被認為是他一生文學創作的巔峰之作。這部鴻篇巨製在經歷了《俄國導報》上兩年的連載後,於1880年完成。他曾構想將其作為他的一部更宏大的作品《一個偉大罪人的一生》的第一部分,然而未能如願,他在《卡拉馬助夫兄弟們》完成後僅四個月就辭世了。 整部小說有兩個層次:從表面上看這是一樁弒父案,而受害人的幾個兒子在某種程度上有串謀之嫌;但深層次上,這是一幕關於人精神的戲劇,講述了一個信仰、猜忌、理智與自由意志間的道德角鬥。這部小說寫作於俄羅斯的舊魯薩,而整個故事也發生於這座小鎮。 …
The Landlady is a novella by Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky, written in 1847. Set in Saint Petersburg, it tells of an abstracted young man, Vasily Mikhailovich Ordynov, and his obsessive love for Katerina, the wife of a dismal husband whom Ordynkov perceives as a malignant fortune-teller or mystic. The story has …
Netochka Nezvanova is Fyodor Dostoyevsky's first but unfinished attempt at writing a novel. It translates to "nameless nobody.". The first completed section of the book was published in the end of 1849. According to translator Jane Kentish, this first publication was intended as "no more than a prologue to the novel". …