"Neutron Star" is an English language science fiction short story written by Larry Niven. It was originally published in the August 1966 issue of Worlds of If. It was later reprinted in Neutron Star, and Crashlander. The story is set in Niven's fictional Known Space universe. It is notable for including a neutron star …
Oath of Fealty is a 1981 novel by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, published originally by Phantasia Press, then by Timescape Books, with numerous reprints. Set in the near future, it involves an arcology, a large inhabited structure, called Todos Santos, which rises above a crime-ridden Los Angeles, California, but …
Playgrounds of the Mind is a collection of short stories by Larry Niven, published in 1991. It is the sequel to N-Space. Many of the stories are set in Niven's Known Space universe. There are also excerpts from his The Magic Goes Away novel series, as well as several stories from his The Draco Tavern setting and other …