image of לורנס לסיג

לורנס לסיג

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תרבות חופשית הוא ספרו השלישי של לורנס לסיג, העוסק בחוקי זכויות היוצרים בארצות הברית ובמדינות אחרות במערב. על פי ספרו, המדובר בחוקים נוקשים, שחלים אוטומטית על כל יצירה, וכך נוצר מצב שבו פחות ופחות יצירות נשארות בנחלת הכלל מפני שכל מילה מדוברת וצליל מושמע מופרט לכסף וממון ונהיה נשוא של רגולציה. מצב כזה גורם לנזקים …

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The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World is a book by Lawrence Lessig, at the time of writing a professor of law at Stanford Law School, who is well known as a critic of the extension of the copyright term in US. It is a continuation of his previous book Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, …

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Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace is an influential and widely-cited 1999 book by Lawrence Lessig on the structure and nature of regulation of the internet.

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This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on Lawrence Lessig, the reigning authority on intellectual property in the Internet age, spotlights the newest and possibly the most harmful culture war-a war waged against our children …

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Code: Version 2.0 is a 2006 book by Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig which proposes that governments have broad regulatory powers over the Internet. The book is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress—and a Plan to Stop It is the sixth book by Harvard law professor and free culture activist Lawrence Lessig. In a departure from the topics of his previous books, Republic, Lost outlines what Lessig considers to be the systemic corrupting influence of special-interest money …

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Something is clearly rotten in our Republic. Americans have lost faith in their politicians to a greater degree than ever, resigning themselves to “the best Congress money can buy,” as the comic Will Rogers once put it. It doesn’t matter whether they are Democrats or Republicans, people are disillusioned and angry as …

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