image of Mo Yan

Mo Yan

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Life and Death are Wearing Me Out is a 2006 novel by Chinese writer Mo Yan. The book is a historical fiction exploring China's development during the latter half of the 20th century through the eyes of a noble and generous landowner who is killed and reincarnated as various farm animals in rural China. It has drawn …

... Unknown

Red Sorghum: A Novel of China or Red Sorghum Clan is a Chinese language novel by Mo Yan. Published in 1986, it was Mo's first novel and remains one of his best-known works. The novel consists of the volumes "Red Sorghum", "Sorghum Wine", "Dog Ways", "Sorghum Funeral", and "Strange Death", which were first serialized …

... Unknown

"Suured tissid ja paks tagumik" on hiina kirjaniku Mo Yani 1996. aastal ilmunud romaan. Romaan on pühendatud kirjaniku emale. Mo Yan kirjutas romaani mustandi valmis pärast oma ema surma 83 päeva jooksul. Ta kasutas romaanis oma ema tegelikke kogemusi, kuid kirjandusliku tegelase tundeelu on välja mõeldud. Teos räägib …

... Unknown

The Garlic Ballads is a novel written by Mo Yan.