Deathbird Stories: A Pantheon of Modern Gods is a 1975 collection of short stories written by Harlan Ellison over a period of ten years; the stories address the theme of modern-day "deities" that have replaced the older, more traditional ones. The collection, with its satirical, skeptical tone, is widely considered …

Je n'ai pas de bouche et il faut que je crie est une nouvelle contre-utopique de science-fiction de Harlan Ellison. Elle a été publiée pour la première fois dans le numéro de mars 1967 de IF: Worlds of Science Fiction. Elle a obtenu le prix Hugo de la meilleure nouvelle courte en 1968 et est devenue une des dix …

Angry Candy is a 1988 collection of short stories by Harlan Ellison that is loosely organized around the theme of death. The title comes the last line of the poem "the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls" by E. E. Cummings, "...the/ moon rattles like a fragment of angry candy." The collection contains the …

Strange Wine is a 1978 short story collection by Harlan Ellison. It contains the following stories: Introduction: Revealed at Last! What Killed the Dinosaurs! And You Don't Look So Terrific Yourself. Croatoan Working With the Little People Killing Bernstein Mom In Fear of K Hitler Painted Roses The Wine Has Been Left …

Shatterday is a revolutionary classic from Harlan Ellison, science fiction’s most controversial author. This collection of sixteen visionary stories remains as scathing and influential today as when it was initially published. Read as fanatically by intellectuals as by college students, these category-defying stories …

The Essential Ellison is a collection written by Harlan Ellison and edited by Terry Dowling, Richard Delap et al.

Dérapages est un recueil de nouvelles de science-fiction de l'écrivain américain Harlan Ellison publié en avril 1997. Ce recueil a reçu le prix Locus du meilleur recueil de nouvelles en 1998.