
Hermann Hesse's Narcissus and Goldmund is the story of a passionate yet uneasy friendship between two men of opposite character. Narcissus, an ascetic instructor at a cloister school, has devoted himself solely to scholarly and spiritual pursuits. One of his students is the sensual, restless Goldmund, who is …

The Glass Bead Game, for which Hesse won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946, is the author’s last and crowning achievement, the most imaginative and prophetic of all his novels. Setting the story in the distant postapocalyptic future, Hesse tells of an elite cult of intellectuals who play an elaborate game that …

《在輪下》是德國作家赫爾曼·黑塞於1906年所寫的一部長篇小說。小說描寫了主人公吉本拉德·漢斯自幼聰明好學、天賦過人,終於考入神學院後,更加發奮學習,但因勤奮過度,積勞成疾。神學院裡的另一個具有詩人氣質的男孩赫爾曼生性倔強,為學校所不容。漢斯認為赫爾曼才是自己的知己,兩人逐漸成為了朋友。但學校認為漢斯的成績下降是赫爾曼所為,這使漢斯更加難過,他最終因神經衰弱而退學。回到家鄉後,只好當鉗工為生,但被同鄉的人所嘲笑。在一次遠足中,漢斯不堪巨大的精神壓力而跳河自殺。小說揭露了德國舊教育制度的弊端,是一部帶有悲觀主義色彩的小說。 …

Journey to the East is a short novel by German author Hermann Hesse. It was first published in German in 1932 as "Die Morgenlandfahrt". This novel came directly after his biggest international success, Narcissus and Goldmund.

Peter Camenzind, a young man from a Swiss mountain village, leaves his home and eagerly takes to the road in search of new experience. Traveling through Italy and France, Camenzind is increasingly disillusioned by the suffering he discovers around him; after failed romances and a tragic friendship, his idealism fades …