Rainbows End is a 2006 science fiction novel by Vernor Vinge. It was awarded the 2007 Hugo Award for Best Novel. The book is set in San Diego, California, in 2025, in a variation of the fictional world Vinge explored in his 2002 Hugo-winning novella "Fast Times at Fairmont High" and 2004's "Synthetic Serendipity". …
The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge is a collection of science fiction short stories by Vernor Vinge. The stories were first published from 1966 to 2001, and the book contains all of Vinge's published short stories from that period except "True Names" and "Grimm's Story".
《天淵》是美國作家弗諾·文奇於1999年3月發表的硬科幻小說,是文奇的另一部科幻小說《深淵上的火》的前傳。本書獲得1999年星雲獎的提名和2000年雨果獎的最佳小說獎。2005年4月,四川科學技術出版社出版了本書的簡體中文版,譯者為李克勤。 …