Lie Down in Darkness is a novel by American novelist William Styron published in 1951. It was his first novel, written when he was 26 years old, and received a great deal of critical acclaim. After graduating from Duke University in 1947, Styron took an editing position with McGraw-Hill in New York City. After …
As confissões de Nat Turner é um romance baseado em fatos reais: a rebelião de escravos ocorrida em 1831, no Estado americano de Virgínia, liderada por Nat Turner. A história é contada mediante a narrativa do próprio protagonista. Esta obra, vindo ao público em 1966, valeu ao autor o Prémio Pulitzer, um dos mais …
Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness is U.S. writer William Styron's memoir about his descent into depression, and the triumph of recovery. First published in December 1989 in Vanity Fair, the book grew out of a lecture that Styron originally delivered at a symposium on affective disorders at the Department of …