Available again, a newly translated collection of twenty-three stories from one of the most influential figures in modern Japanese literature. "He employs devices from those long poetic traditions in order to create in modern prose his remarkable effects: juxtaposition of image upon image to open up the depths of …
The Old Capital is one of the three novels cited specifically by the Nobel Committee when they awarded Kawabata the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968. With the ethereal tone and aesthetic styling characteristic of Kawabata's prose, The Old Capital tells the story of Chieko, the adopted daughter of a Kyoto kimono …
ضجيج الجبل الترجمة الحرفية للرواية من اليابانية كتبها ياسوناري كواباتا، وترجمها للعربية صبحي حديدي. الرواية تعكس تلك روح ياسوناري كاواباتا في الأدب الياباني الحديث. فهي قصيدة مديح لكل ما هو إنساني في الكون، ولأي جانب ينتهي في محصلته الأخيرة إلى رصيد الإنسان وقوته …
Go is a game of strategy in which two players attempt to surround each other’s black or white stones. Simple in its fundamentals, infinitely complex in its execution, Go is an essential expression of the Japanese spirit. And in his fictional chronicle of a match played between a revered and heretofore invincible …