Wedged in an isolated crevice on a rock face outside a university town in the French Alps, a mutilated corpse, naked and in the foetal position, has been discovered. Pierre Niemans, the ex-golden boy of the commando squad, a brilliant detective but prone to uncontrollable fits of temper, is sent from Paris to …

"Taş Meclisi" Jean-Christophe Grangé tarafından yazılmış ikinci romandır.Roman genel olarak "psikoloji", "parapsikoloji", "şamanizm" ve "telepati" hakkında ilginç detaylara yer verir. Diane Thiberge çocuk sahibi olmayı isteyen fakat küçükken cinsel organına yapılan saldırıdan sonra evlat edinme yoluna başvuran genç ve …

Every year the storks set off on their miraculous 12,000-mile migration from Northern Europe to Central Africa. Then one year, inexplicably, they do not return.At the invitation of the wealthy Swiss ornithologist Max Boehm, a young French academic, Louis Antioch, agrees to undertake a journey tracing the flight of the …

Anna Heymes fears she is losing her mind. The wife of a top-ranking Parisian official, she suffers from amnesia and terrifying hallucinations -- a living nightmare made more horrifying when psychiatric testing reveals that Anna has undergone drastic cosmetic surgery . . . though she cannot recall when or why.In the …

Birbirinin benzeri cinayetler islenmektedir. Bu cinayetlerin ortak noktalari, katillerinin oldukten sonra hayata dondurulmus ve uzun sure komada kalmis insanlar olmasidir. Oldurulen kisiler de, onlarin komaya girmesine sebep olan kisilerdir. Bir tur intikam cinayetleridir bunlar. Ancak bu kisiler gercekten katil …