『グラマトロジーについて』は、1967年にフランスの哲学者ジャック・デリダによって発表された研究をさす。本書は、イギリス文学研究において批評理論が活発に議論された時期に発表された。ソシュールの言語理論を踏まえながら不可知論の立場に立脚して、テクスト解釈の理論的な基礎を明らかにしている。さらにデリダの概念である脱構築を批評における方法論として示したのも本書の画期性とされる。 …

Writing and Difference is a book by French philosopher Jacques Derrida, collecting some of the early lectures and essays that established his international fame. It was published in 1967 alongside Of Grammatology and Speech and Phenomena.

Glas is a 1974 book by Jacques Derrida. It combines a reading of Hegel's philosophical works and of Jean Genet's autobiographical writing. "One of Derrida's more inscrutable books," its form and content invite a reflection on the nature of literary genre and of writing.

Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression is a book by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida first published in 1995 by Éditions Galilée. An English translation by Eric Prenowitz was published in 1996.

Limited Inc is a 1988 book by Jacques Derrida, containing two essays and an interview. The first essay, "Signature Event Context," is about J. L. Austin's theory of the illocutionary act outlined in his How To Do Things With Words. The second essay, "Limited Inc a b c...", is Derrida's response to John Searle's "Reply …