Welcome to New York. Here, burning figures roam the streets, men in brightly colored costumes scale the glass and concrete walls, and creatures from space threaten to devour our world. This is the Marvel Universe, where the ordinary and fantastic interact daily. This is the world of MARVELS. Collecting MARVELS …

A major new epic begins featuring Winged Victory, Samaritan, and the Confessor, three of Astro City's most popular heroes. When criminal charges are brought against Winged Victory, the Confessor must investigate and it leads to open combat with Samaritan! Can Astro City's three greatest heroes find a way to work …

Astro City, after dark: What becomes of the world of wonders—of noble heroes and sinister villains—once the sun retreats? Walk the night streets of Astro City to discover the secrets of the reclusive Confessor—and face a crisis that could destroy the city and everyone in it. After leaving his rural home and working …

Kurt Busiek's Astro City: Tarnished Angel tells a story that would be just as compelling even if its hapless hero weren't made of metal. It's a familiar story: old supervillain Carl Donewicz--or Steeljack--gets out of prison old and broken, and just wants to spend his last years out of sight. Events, as they will, …