image of 杰克·凯鲁亚克


... Unknown

Old Angel Midnight is a long narrative poem by American novelist and poet Jack Kerouac. It was culled from five notebooks spanning from 1956 to 1959, while Kerouac was fully absorbed by his studies of Buddhism and Buddhist philosophy. Kerouac initially experimented with Old Angel Midnight in 1953 in his diary titled …

... Unknown

《在路上》,是美国“垮掉的一代”作家杰克·凯鲁亚克创作于1957年的小说。这部小说绝大部分是自传性的,基于作者横穿20世纪中期的美国大陆的经历。它一经问世即令舆论哗然,毁誉参半,但被公认为1960年代嬉皮士运动和垮掉的一代的经典之作。 …

... Unknown

Orpheus Emerged is a novella written by Jack Kerouac in 1945 when he was at Columbia University. The novella was discovered after his death and published in 2002. Orpheus Emerged chronicles the passions, conflicts, and dreams of a group of bohemians searching for truth while studying at a university. Kerouac wrote the …

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