image of Heinrich Böll

Heinrich Böll

* December 21, 1917 in Germany - † July 16, 1985 in Germany
... Unknown

Group Portrait with Lady is a novel by Nobel Prize winning author Heinrich Böll, published in 1971. The novel centers around a woman named Leni, and her friends, foes, lovers, employers and others and in the end tells the stories of all these people in a small city in western Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. As is …

... Unknown

Billiards at Half-past Nine is a 1959 novel by the West German author Heinrich Böll. The entirety of the narrative takes place on the day of September 6, 1958 but the story stretches back through the use of flashbacks and the retelling of memories of the characters. It focuses on the Faehmel family's history starting …

... Unknown

Utracona cześć Katarzyny Blum – opowiadanie niemieckiego powieściopisarza i noblisty, Heinricha Bölla, ukazujące klimat polityczny oraz opresyjne mechanizmy działania prasy w Niemczech Zachodnich na początku lat 70. XX wieku. Bohaterką utworu jest Katarzyna Blum, narzeczona oskarżonego o rewolucyjną działalność …

... Unknown

Acclaimed entertainer Hans Schnier collapses when his beloved Marie leaves him because he won’t marry her within the Catholic Church. The desertion triggers a searing re-examination of his life — the loss of his sister during the war, the demands of his millionaire father, and the hypocrisies of his mother, who first …