One of few plays for which Shakespeare reputedly created his own plot, Love's Labour's Lost tells the tale of King Ferdinand of Navarre and his three friends, who all swear to spend three years avoiding women in favor of study. The arrival of the princess of France and her three beautiful companions brings the oath to …
Fifty speeches from plays frequently ignored, such as CORIOLANUS, PERICLES, and LOVE'S LABOURS LOST are assembled here, plus good but often overlooked speeches from the more popular plays such as Diana from ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL, Perdita from THE WINTER'S TALE, and Hero from MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Each speech is …
A makrancos hölgy, eredeti címén The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare egyik korai vígjátéka, amelyet vélhetőleg 1590 és 1594 között írhatott. A darab egy keretjátékkal indul, amelyben egy részeg embert becsapnak, hogy nemesúrnak higgye magát. A vélt nemesúr nézi végig a tulajdonképpeni színdarabot, amelyben a …