She wakes in an emergency room in a London hospital, to a voice that tells her: "You're on your own now. Take care. Be good." She has no knowledge of her name, her past, or even her species. It takes her a while to realize that she is human -- and that the beings who threaten, befriend, and violate her are other …
In Success Amis pens a mismatched pair of foster brothers--one "a quivering condom of neurosis and ineptitude," the other a "bundle of contempt, vanity and stock-response"--in a single London flat. He binds them with ties of class hatred, sexual rivalry, and disappointed love, and throws in a disloyal girlfriend and a …
In the 21st century, fluctuations in solar radiation have caused the ide-caps to melt and the seas to rise. Global temperatures have climbed, and civilization has retreated to the Arctic and Antarctic circles. London is a city now inundated by a primeval swamp, to which an expedition travels to record the flora and …
The Pregnant Widow on Martin Amisin romaani, joka ilmestyi 2010. Teoksesta oli alun perin tarkoitus tulla omaelämäkerrallinen teos, mutta sen kirjoittaminen ei edennyt, ennen kuin hän päätti siirtyä romaanimuodon vapauteen. Teoksen valmistuminen kesti lopulta seitsemän vuotta, ja osasta materiaalia on syntymässä …