O mie nouă sute optzeci și patru, scris și 1984, este un roman politic creat de George Orwell în 1948 și tipărit în 1949. Acțiunea romanului are loc într-un viitor distopic și prezintă o parte din viața intelectualului Winston Smith sub opresiunea guvernului totalitarist al Oceaniei. O mie nouă sute optzeci și patru a …

Ferma animalelor este un roman distopic scris de George Orwell. Publicat în Anglia în 17 august 1945, cartea reflectă evenimentele care au dus la și din perioada numită era lui Stalin înainte de al Doilea Război Mondial. Orwell, fiind un socialist democrat și membru al Partidului Independent al Clasei Muncitoare timp …

Down and Out in Paris and London is a sharp social analysis of what he saw in Paris and in London. In this novel Orwell describes in vigorous passion, poverty, degrading work and unemployment while telling the story of his adventures like his search for work, his job as a dishwasher, his retrun to England, tramping in …

"I wonder what is the appropriate first action when you come from a country at war and set foot on peaceful soil. Mine was to rush to the tobacco-kiosk and buy as many cigars and cigarettes as I could stuff into my pockets." Most war correspondents observe wars and then tell stories about the battles, the soldiers and …

Zile birmaneze este un roman scris de George Orwell. A fost pentru prima oară publicat în Regatul Unit, în 1934. Este o poveste din vremea când Imperiul Britanic era aproape de desființare, iar Birmania era condusă de la Delhi, ca parte a Indiei Britanice. Personajul principal este John Flory, "un individ singur care …

The Road to Wigan Pier is a book by the British writer George Orwell, first published in 1937. The first half of this work documents his sociological investigations of the bleak living conditions among the working class in Lancashire and Yorkshire in the industrial north of England before World War II. The second half …

Gordon Comstock loathes dull, middle-class respectability and worship of money. He gives up a 'good job' in advertising to work part-time in a bookshop, giving him more time to write. But he slides instead into a self-induced poverty that destroys his creativity and his spirit. Only Rosemary, ever-faithful Rosemary, …

George Bowling, the hero of this comic novel, is a middle-aged insurance salesman who lives in an average English suburban row house with a wife and two children. One day, after winning some money from a bet, he goes back to the village where he grew up, to fish for carp in a pool he remembers from thirty years …

"Why I Write" is an essay by George Orwell detailing his personal journey to becoming a writer. It was first published in the Summer 1946 edition of Gangrel. The editors of this magazine, J.B.Pick and Charles Neil, had asked a selection of writers to explain why they wrote. The essay offers a type of …