image of Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez

... Unknown

At the age of forty-six General Simon Bolivar, who drove the Spanish from his lands and became the Liberator of South America, takes himself into exile. He makes a final journey down the Magdalene River, revisiting the cities along its shores, reliving the triumphs, passions and betrayals of his youth. Consumed by the …

... Unknown

Hundra år av ensamhet är en roman från 1967 av Gabriel García Márquez. Romanen anses vara García Márquez stora mästerverk. Den utkom på svenska 1970. Romanen handlar om den lilla isolerade colombianska byn Macondo och utspelar sig främst i familjen Buendias hus. Läsaren får följa byn och människornas öden under hundra …

... Unknown

A man returns to the town where a baffling murder took place 27 years earlier, determined to get to the bottom of the story. Just hours after marrying the beautiful Angela Vicario, everyone agrees, Bayardo San Roman returned his bride in disgrace to her parents. Her distraught family forced her to name her first …

... Unknown

Kärlek i kolerans tid är en roman av Gabriel García Márquez. Romanen, som publicerades 1985, handlar om olycklig förälskelse samtidigt som koleran härjar i Cartagena. Romanen filmatiserades 2007.