One of the most popular novels of early American literature, "The Last of the Mohicans" helped to establish James Fenimore Cooper as one of the first great and world-famous American authors. The second novel in the "Natty" Bumpo series, "The Last of the Mohicans" is set in the British province of New York during the …

The Pathfinder, or The Inland Sea is an historical novel by James Fenimore Cooper first published in 1840. It is the fourth novel Cooper wrote featuring Natty Bumppo, his fictitious frontier hero, and the third chronological episode of the Leatherstocking Tales. The inland sea of the title is Lake Ontario.

The Pioneers, or The Sources of the Susquehanna; a Descriptive Tale is a historical novel by American writer James Fenimore Cooper. It was the first of five novels known as the Leatherstocking Tales. Published in 1823, the period it covers makes The Pioneers the fourth chronologically in terms of the novels' plots.

A préri James Fenimore Cooper amerikai író ifjúsági regénye. A Nagy Indiánkönyv ötödik, utolsó kötete. A körülbelül 300 oldalas regény a Nagy Indiánkönyv főszereplője, Nathaniel Bumppo nyolcvanhetedik, és egyben utolsó évét meséli el. A történet Lousianában, 1803-ban játszódik, mikor az első fehér telepesek átkeltek a …