Świat Czarownic – pierwsza część cyklu powieści fantasy pod tym samym tytułem autorstwa Andre Norton. Po raz pierwszy opublikowana przez amerykańskie wydawnictwo Ace Books w 1963 roku. W Polsce pierwotnie opublikowana w częściach w "Fantastyce" w 1983 r., wydanie książkowe ukazało nakładem oficyny ”Amber” w 1990 roku. …
The Time Traders is the first novel in The Time Traders series by Andre Norton. It was first published in 1958, and has been printed in several editions. It was updated by Norton in 2000 to account for real world changes. It is part of Norton's Forerunner universe. The Time Traders introduces the series' premise, a …
The Beast Master is a science fiction novel by Andre Norton published by Harcourt in 1959. It inaugurated the Beast Master series, or Hosteen Storm series after the main character. In German-language translation it was published as Der Letzte der Navajos —literally The Last of the Navajo. Norton wrote one sequel …
Catseye is a 1961 science fiction novel by Andre Norton. It tells the story of a boy living as a member of the underclass in the "Dipple", a deprived part of a colony on a distant planet, who discovers an ancient secret that changes his life. Catseye is the first of her Dipple series of novels. The other novels in the …