La storia di Lucy Gault è un romanzo di William Trevor pubblicato nel 2002, anno in cui è stato scelto tra i finalisti del Booker Prize. Il libro è diviso in tre parti: l'infanzia, la mezza età e la vecchiaia di Lucy. La storia ha luogo in Irlanda durante la transizione verso il XXI secolo e segue Lucy e le persone a …

`You're beautiful,' Johnny told her and so, full of hope, seventeen-year-old Felicia crosses the Irish Sea to England to find her lover and tell him she is pregnant. Desperately searching for Johnny in the bleak post-industrial Midlands, she is, instead, found by Mr Hilditch, a strange and lonely man, a collector and …

Love and Summer is a novel written by William Trevor, first published in 2009. The story takes place in the fictitious town of Rathmoye in Ireland during the 1950s. It concerns the illicit love between a photographer and the married wife of a farmer.

Death in Summer is a novel written by William Trevor, first published in 1998 by Viking Press.

A Bit on the Side is a short story collection written by William Trevor, first published by Viking Press in 2004. It comprises twelve short stories arranged in the following order: "Sitting with the Dead" "Traditions" "Justina's Priest" "An Evening Out" "Graillis's Legacy" "Solitude" "Sacred Statues" "Rose Wept" "Big …

When an informer's body is found shortly after the First World War on the estate of the Quintons, a wealthy Irish family, an appalling cycle of revenge is set in motion. Led by a zealous sergeant, the Black and Tans fire the family home, and only young Willie and his mother Evie escape alive. Fatherless, Willie grows …