image of Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov

Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov

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Published two weeks after his seventieth birthday, Ada, or Ardor is one of Nabokov's greatest masterpieces, the glorious culmination of his career as a novelist. It tells a love story troubled by incest. But more: it is also at once a fairy tale, epic, philosophical treatise on the nature of time, parody of the …

... Unknown

Pnin /pnjin/ is Vladimir Nabokov's 13th novel and his fourth written in English; it was published in 1957. The success of Pnin in the United States would launch Nabokov's career into literary prominence. The book's eponymous protagonist, Timofey Pavlovich Pnin, is a Russian-born professor living in the United States. …

... Unknown

Pale Fire is a postmodern novel by Vladimir Nabokov. The novel is presented as a 999-line poem titled "Pale Fire", written by the fictional John Shade, with a foreword and lengthy commentary by a neighbor and academic colleague of the poet, Charles Kinbote. Together these elements form a narrative in which both …

... Unknown

Lolita je román Vladimira Nabokova. Poprvé byl vydán v Paříži roku 1955 v anglickém jazyce, později byl autorem přeložen do ruštiny a v roce 1967 vydán v New Yorku. Román je mezinárodně uznáván díky inovativnímu slohu. Kvůli svému obsahu je považován za velmi kontroverzní, jeho protagonista Humbert Humbert je totiž …