Neste livro de memórias, o autor narra os horrores dos campos de concentração alemães na segunda grande guerra. Prisioneiro aos quatorze anos de idade, Wiesel não passou apenas por humilhações de ordem racial, mas sim testemunhou a morte de diversas pessoas, entre elas seus pais e sua irmã caçula. A narrativa …

Dawn is a novel by Elie Wiesel, published in 1961. It is the second in a trilogy— Night, Dawn, and Day—describing Wiesel's experiences or thoughts during and after the Holocaust. Dawn is an original work of fiction. It tells the story of Elisha, a Holocaust survivor. After the war, Elisha moves to the British Mandate …

"Not since Albert Camus has there been such an eloquent spokesman for man." --The New York Times Book ReviewThe publication of Day restores Elie Wiesel's original title to the novel initially published in English as The Accident and clearly establishes it as the powerful conclusion to the author's classic trilogy of …

From Elie Wiesel, a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and one of our fiercest moral voices, a provocative and deeply thoughtful new novel about a life shaped by the worst horrors of the twentieth century and one man’s attempt to reclaim happiness.Doriel, a European expatriate living in New York, suffers from a …