image of Ева Ибботсон

Ева Ибботсон

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The Secret of Platform 13 is a children's novel by Eva Ibbotson, and illustrated by Sue Porter, first published in 1994. The book has gained extra significance as many readers find it similar to the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, as the first book of that series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was …

... Unknown

The Star of Kazan is a novel written by Eva Ibbotson. It is about a child called Annika who was left as a baby just days old in a church. A cook and a housemaid take her home to some peculiar professors who live in Vienna. It won the Nestlé Children's Book Prize Silver Award and was shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal.

... Unknown

Which Witch? is a children's novel written in 1979 by Eva Ibbotson.