image of ガブリエル・ガルシア=マルケス


... Unknown

In Evil Hour is a novel by Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, first published in 1962. Written while García Márquez lived in Paris, the story was originally entitled Este pueblo de mierda. Rewritten, it won a literary prize in Colombia. Some of the same characters and situations found in La mala hora later …

... Unknown

Leaf Storm is the common translation for Gabriel García Márquez's novella La Hojarasca. First published in 1955, it took seven years to find a publisher. Widely celebrated as the first appearance of Macondo, the fictitious village later made famous in One Hundred Years of Solitude, Leaf Storm is a testing ground for …

... Unknown

The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and her Souless Grandmother is a 1972 novella by Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez.