Memories of My Melancholy Whores is a novella by Gabriel García Márquez. The book was originally published in Spanish in 2004, with an English translation by Edith Grossman published in October 2005.
A man returns to the town where a baffling murder took place 27 years earlier, determined to get to the bottom of the story. Just hours after marrying the beautiful Angela Vicario, everyone agrees, Bayardo San Roman returned his bride in disgrace to her parents. Her distraught family forced her to name her first …
《霍乱时期的爱情》,又译《爱在瘟疫蔓延时》,是哥伦比亚作家加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的小说。故事讲述了发展于费尔米纳·达萨、费洛伦蒂诺·阿里萨以及医生胡维纳尔·乌尔比诺之间的一段长达半个多世纪的三角恋爱。这部小说,一个如画般的没有回报的爱情故事,用马尔克斯标志性的魔幻现实主义写就,深入地剥析了一个观念,即经历爱情的折磨是一种尊严。 …