The Forgotten Garden is a 2008 novel written by Australian author Kate Morton, driven by the mystery of why a 4-year-old child is found abandoned on an Australian wharf in 1913. While paying homage to Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden and the Gothic novel, Morton's second work explores living with and …

" Au mois de novembre dernier, j'ai fait un cauchemar. On était en 1924 et je me retrouvais à Riverton ". Eté 1924 : au cours d'une grande soirée donnée au château de Riverton, le poète Roberr Hunter se suicide sous les yeux des soeurs Hartfort. Les deux femmes ne se reparleront plus jamais après le drame. Hiver 1999 …

The Distant Hours is the third novel by Australian author Kate Morton. The hardback edition was published in the United Kingdom by Pan Macmillan in November 2010, the paperback was published in 2011. The Distant Hours was a Sunday Times Top Ten Bestseller in hardback.

Tout commence par une lettre égarée pendant un demi-siècle et qui ne parviendra que bien des années plus tard à sa destinataire... Lorsqu'elle reçoit un courrier en provenance du Kent qui aurait dû lui arriver cinquante ans auparavant, Meredith Burchill révèle à sa fille Edie un épisode de sa vie qu'elle avait gardé …

Withdrawing from a family party to the solitude of her tree house, 16-year-old Laurel Nicolson witnesses a shocking murder that throughout a subsequent half century shapes her beliefs, her acting career and the lives of three strangers from vastly different cultures. By the best-selling author of The Distant Hours. …

From the bestselling author of The House at Riverton and The Secret Keeper, Kate Morton brings us her trademark mix of secrets, lies, and intricately layered mysteries in her sixth novel, The Clockmaker's Daughter. My real name, no one remembers. The truth about that summer, no one else knows. In the depths of a …