Take an apartment house, mix in a drag queen, a lesbian couple, some talking animals, a talking severed head, a confused heroine, and the deadly Cuckoo. Stir vigorously with a hurricane and Morpheus himself and you get this fifth installment of the Sandman series. This story stars Barbie, who first makes an appearance …

《Dhalgren》是撒繆爾·R·狄蘭尼於1975年寫的一部長篇科幻小說。自在在美國發行起已賣出了超過一百萬本。其書自發行起便頗受爭議,被同時譽為「當代最傑出的科幻小說」和「難以閱讀的垃圾」。這本書涉及的主題十分廣泛,包含了宗教,神話,同性戀,雙性戀等。同時,作者Delany運用了現代主義的意識流手法,塑造了十分複雜的故事結構,也因此給讀者造成了不小的閱讀障礙。讓《Dhalgren》成為如喬伊斯的《尤利西斯》一般需要深度分析的一部作品。 …

Babel-17 is a 1966 science fiction novel by American writer Samuel R. Delany in which the Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis plays an important part. It was joint winner of the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1966 and was also nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1967. Delany hoped to have Babel-17 originally published …

Nоva is a science fiction novel by Samuel R. Delany. Nominally space opera, it explores the politics and culture of a future where cyborg technology is universal, yet major decisions can involve using tarot cards. It has strong mythological overtones, relating to both the Grail Quest and Jason's Argonautica for the …

The Einstein Intersection is a 1967 science fiction novel by Samuel R. Delany. It won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1967 and was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1968. Delany's intended title for the book was A Fabulous, Formless Darkness. The novel is purportedly influenced by Marcel Camus's 1959 …

Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand is a science fiction novel by Samuel R. Delany. It was part of a planned duology whose second half, The Splendor and Misery of Bodies, of Cities, remains unfinished.

Trouble on Triton: An Ambiguous Heterotopia is a science fiction novel by Samuel R. Delany. It was nominated for the 1976 Nebula Award for Best Novel, and was shortlisted for a retrospective James Tiptree, Jr. Award in 1995. It was originally published under the shorter title Triton. Delany has said that Trouble on …

Tales of Nevèrÿon collects a preface and five sword and sorcery stories by Samuel R. Delany; and finally an appendix. The stories are "The Tale of Gorgik," "The Tale of Old Venn," "The Tale of Small Sarg," "The Tale of Potters and Dragons," and "The Tale of Dragons and Dreamers." It is the first of the four-volume …

The Fall of the Towers is a trilogy of science fantasy books by Samuel R. Delany. First published in omnibus form in 1970, the trilogy was originally published individually as Captives of the Flame, The Towers of Toron, and City of a Thousand Suns. The first two books were somewhat rewritten for the omnibus edition. …

The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village is an autobiography by science fiction author Samuel R. Delany in which he recounts his experiences as growing up a gay African American, as well as some of his time in an interracial and open marriage with Marilyn Hacker. It describes …