Fúriadüh Az élet maga a düh alcímmel Salman Rushdie 2001. szeptember 11-e előtt nem sokkal megjelent műve, mely talán az utolsó regény, amely hitelesen ábrázolja azt az önfeledt mindennapjait élő várost, ami New York volt a terrortámadás előtt.
East, West is a 1994 anthology of short stories by Salman Rushdie. The book is divided into three main sections, entitled "East", "West", and "East, West", each section containing stories from their respective geographical areas. Though Rushdie himself never divulged the exact inspirations for his stories in East, …
Born at the stroke of midnight, at the precise moment of India's independence, Saleem Sinai is destined from birth to be special. For he is one of 1,001 children born in the midnight hour, children who all have special gifts, children with whom Saleem is telepathically linked. But there has been a terrible mix up at …