1666: la peste da Londra arriva a Eyam attraverso un pezzo di stoffa. E la trasporta fino alla casa di Anna Frith, una servetta vedova con due bambini, che in cambio di qualche soldo ospita un giovane sarto innamorato di lei. Manipolando la stoffa, il sarto diventa la prima vittima della terribile malattia. Attraverso …

Foreign Correspondence: A Pen Pal's Journey from Down Under to All Over is a book by Geraldine Brooks.

“Brooks’ chronological and cross-disciplinary leaps are thrilling.” —The New York Times Book Review “Horse isn’t just an animal story—it’s a moving narrative about race and art.” —TIME“A thrilling story about humanity in all its ugliness and beauty . . . the evocative voices create a story so powerful, reading it …

i nazisti volevano rubrlo, ha rischiato di essere distrutto durante la guerra civile serbo -bosniaca, oggetto di vili scambi e truffe ha attraversato secoli e paesi ed è srrivato fino a noi integro, grazie all'amore di alcuni uomini : i custodi della haggadah di sarajevo.

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize--a powerful love story set against the backdrop of the Civil War, from the author of The Secret Chord.From Louisa May Alcott's beloved classic Little Women, Geraldine Brooks has animated the character of the absent father, March, and crafted a story "filled with the ache of love and …

Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women is a non-fiction book by Australian journalist Geraldine Brooks, based on her experiences among Muslim women of the Middle East. It was an international bestseller, translated into 17 languages. The book deals with cultural and religious practices, describes …