Jack Vance is one of the most remarkable talents to ever grace the world of science fiction. His unique, stylish voice has been beloved by generations of readers. One of his enduring classics is his 1964 novel, The Dying Earth, and its sequels--a fascinating, baroque tale set on a far-future Earth, under a giant red …
The Anome is a science fiction novel by American writer Jack Vance, first published in 1973; it is the first book in the Durdane series of novels.
The Book of Dreams is a science fiction book by American author Jack Vance, the fifth and last novel in the "Demon Princes" series.
The Faceless Man is a prisoner in his own palace. His power over the people of Durdane is in the hands of Gastel Etzwane, a youth whose thirst for vengeance against the dreaded Rogushkoi would be slaked only by oceans of their blood. For these invincible foes who threatened Durdane had taken and killed his mother and …