image of 杰克·万斯


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Wyst: Alastor 1716 is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance first published by DAW Books. It is the third and last novel set in the Alastor Cluster, a group of thousands of stars and planets ruled by the mysterious Connatic, which may or may not be a part of Vance’s Gaean Reach.

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《濒死的地球》是杰克·万斯创作的系列小说,小说描述二十亿年后,太阳濒临熄灭,人类文明走到尽头,魔法与神化重新出现的时代。小说中含有许多奇幻元素。濒死的地球系列中的《龙主》,《最后的城堡》曾获星云奖。包括龙与地下城在内的许多作品都受到了本系列的影响。 …