『私が愛したリボルバー』、いかにもハードボイルドな日本語タイトルである。主人公はステファニー・プラムというバウンティ・ハンター(女賞金稼ぎ)。裁判をすっぽかした保釈中の容疑者を見つけ出し、警察につき出すことで報酬をもらう。保釈金を踏み倒して身を隠すような輩であるから、連れ出す相手は相当物騒であることは想像がつく。護身用にリボルバーを手にしなければならないほどに。しかし意外にも、ステファニーは勇ましさやたくましさとはまったく縁がない。銃だって撃ったことがないし、そもそも危ない仕事など、できればやりたくないというタイプ。そのミスマッチ感覚がたまらなく楽しい。 …

Kenny Mancuso shot his childhood buddy Moogey Bues and then jumped bail. Now bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is on the case to track Kenny down. Then someone finished Moogey off, Kenny can't be found, twenty-four coffins are missing, and there's some ex-army heavy artillery roaming the streets. And Joe Morelli - the cop …

As readers of Janet Evanovich's two previous books about funny, feisty, family-tied bounty hunter Stephanie Plum already know, she operates in "the burg"--a "comfy residential chunk of Trenton, New Jersey, where houses and minds are proud to be narrow and hearts are generously wide open." On this turf, Plum fights for …

Four to Score is the fourth novel by Janet Evanovich featuring the bounty hunter Stephanie Plum. It was written in 1998.

High Five is the fifth novel by Janet Evanovich featuring the bounty hunter Stephanie Plum. It was written in 1999.

Hot Six is the sixth novel by Janet Evanovich featuring the bounty hunter Stephanie Plum and was written in 2001.

Hard Eight is the eighth novel by Janet Evanovich featuring the bounty hunter Stephanie Plum. It was written in 2002. This book is notable for the introduction of Albert Kloughn, an attorney and soon to be brother-in-law of Stephanie. Stephanie, on a "break" from her relationship with Joe Morelli, has sex with Ranger. …

To the Nines is the ninth novel by Janet Evanovich featuring the bounty hunter Stephanie Plum. Written in 2003, it's the second book in a row that doesn't revolve around a criminal bond, and the first to take Stephanie out of New Jersey and into the neon glitz of Las Vegas. To the Nines appeared on the USA Today list …

Eleven on Top is the eleventh novel by Janet Evanovich featuring the bounty hunter Stephanie Plum. It was published in June 2005, and quickly became a #1 best-seller, remaining on the USA Today list of 150 best-selling novels for 19 weeks.

Twelve Sharp, published in 2006, is the 12th novel by Janet Evanovich featuring the bounty hunter Stephanie Plum. The hardcover version appeared at the top of the New York Times Bestseller List in the week of July 9, 2006, while the paperback release has also been in the top four spots in 2007.