Moment 22, engelsk originaltitel Catch-22, är en roman av författaren Joseph Heller från 1961. Den räknas först och främst som en antikrigsroman, men är också en generell kritik av byråkratin. Romanen berättar om den fiktive kapten John Yossarian och några andra amerikanska flygsoldater under andra …

Something Happened is Joseph Heller's second novel. Its main character and narrator is Bob Slocum, a businessman who engages in a stream of consciousness narrative about his job, his family, his childhood, his sexual escapades, and his own psyche. While there is an ongoing plot about Slocum preparing for a promotion …

Slutspel är en roman av Joseph Heller från 1994, på svenska 1995. Den är en fortsättning på Moment 22. I denna bok är Heller mycket tydlig med att Moment 22 betyder att "De som har makten har rätt att göra allt som vi inte kan förhindra att de gör."

God Knows is a tragicomedic novel written by Joseph Heller and published in 1984. It is narrated by the Biblical King David of Israel, and purports to be his deathbed memoirs; however, this David does not recount his life in a straightforward fashion, and the storyline is often hilariously fractured. Indeed, it is …

Picture This is a 1988 novel from Joseph Heller, the satiric author of the acclaimed Catch-22. The novel is an eclectic historical journey across three periods of history, all connected by a single painting: Rembrandt van Rijn's Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer. With constant reflections between the different …

Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man is a novel by Joseph Heller. His final work, it depicts an elderly author as he tries to write a novel that is as successful as his earlier work. The novel was published posthumously in 2000. The concept of the novel mirrors that of the life of the author himself in that none of …