image of Джон Фаулз

Джон Фаулз

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Wormholes - Essays and Occasional Writings is a book containing writings from four decades by the English author John Fowles. It was published in 1998. Most of the contents are short, non-fiction pieces that had been written for various purposes since 1963, including forewords to other authors' books, and pieces …

... Unknown

The Aristos: A Self-Portrait in Ideas is a 1964 collection of several hundred philosophical aphorisms by English author John Fowles. A revised edition, without the subtitle, which was shorter but also incorporated new material, was published in hardcover in 1968 and in paperback in 1970. In the book's Appendix, Fowles …

... Unknown

Mantissa is a novel by British author John Fowles published in 1982. It consists entirely of a presumably imaginary dialogue in a writer's head, between himself and an embodiment of the Muse Erato, after he wakes amnesiac in a hospital bed.

... Unknown

In his prologue, John Fowles tells us that A Maggot began as a vision he had of five travellers riding with mysterious purpose through remote countryside. This image gives way to another - a hanging corpse with violets stuffed in its mouth - which leads us into a maze of beguiling paths and wrong turnings, …

... Unknown

Daniel Martin is a novel by John Fowles. It was first published in 1977 and can be taken as a Bildungsroman, following the life of the eponymous protagonist. The novel uses both first and third person voices, whilst employing a variety of literary techniques such as multiple narratives and flashback. The author …

... Unknown

Маг — постмодерністський роман англійського автора Джона Фаулза, що вперше був опублікований 1965 року в Англії. У 1977 році вийшло друге, перероблене і доповнене видання книги. У творі розповідається історія Ніколаса Ерфе — молодого британського випускника Оксфорду, який вирушив викладати англійську мову на …

... Unknown

The Ebony Tower, comprising a novella, three stories, and a translation of a medieval French tale, echoes themes from John Fowles's internationally celebrated novels as it probes the fitful relations between love and hate, pleasure and pain, fantasy and reality.

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«Колекціонер» — роман, написаний письменником Джоном Фаулзом у 1963 році.

... Unknown

Маг — постмодерністський роман англійського автора Джона Фаулза, що вперше був опублікований 1965 року в Англії. У 1977 році вийшло друге, перероблене і доповнене видання книги. У творі розповідається історія Ніколаса Ерфе — молодого британського випускника Оксфорду, який вирушив викладати англійську мову на …

... Unknown

'A remarkable performance... As gripping as The Collector and The Magus' Observer Charles Smithson, a respectable engaged man, meets Sarah Woodruff as she stands on the Cobb at Lyme Regis, staring out to sea. Charles falls in love, but Sarah is a disgraced woman, and their romance will defy all the stifling …