《卖花女》,原名《皮革马利翁》是爱尔兰剧作家萧伯纳的戏剧。皮革马利翁原是罗马神话中的一位雕刻家的名字,一生不爱女色,却爱上了自己刻的雕像。这尊雕像令他魂牵梦萦,最后他去请求维纳斯女神成全。维纳斯让皮革马利翁用手碰触雕像,雕像变成了一位活生生的美貌女子。皮革马利翁相当高兴,给她取名伽拉忒娅,并带她去感谢维纳斯。萧伯纳以这个故事为蓝本,以卖花女一剧表现出皮格马利翁和伽拉忒娅可能会发生的问题。本剧曾于1938年翻拍成黑白电影,由 Wendy Hiller …

With Saint Joan, Shaw reached the height of his fame as a dramatist. Fascinated by the story of Joan of Arc (canonized in 1920), but unhappy with "the whitewash which disfigures her beyond recognition," he presents a realistic Joan: proud, intolerant, naïve, foolhardy, always brave-a rebel who challenged the …

Shaw began writing MAN AND SUPERMAN in 1901 and determined to write a play that would encapsulate the new century's intellectual inheritance. Shaw drew not only on Byron's verse satire, but also on Shakespeare, the Victorian comedy fashionable in his early life, and from authors from Conan Doyle to Kipling. In this …

Major Barbara is a three-act play by George Bernard Shaw, written and premiered in 1905 and first published in 1907. The story involves an idealistic young woman, Barbara Undershaft, who is engaged in helping the poor as an official in the Salvation Army in London. For many years Barbara and her siblings have been …

Arms and the Man is a comedy by George Bernard Shaw, whose title comes from the opening words of Virgil's Aeneid, in Latin: Arma virumque cano. The play was first produced on April 21, 1894 at the Avenue Theatre and published in 1898 as part of Shaw's Plays Pleasant volume, which also included Candida, You Never Can …

《卖花女》,原名《皮革马利翁》是爱尔兰剧作家萧伯纳的戏剧。皮革马利翁原是罗马神话中的一位雕刻家的名字,一生不爱女色,却爱上了自己刻的雕像。这尊雕像令他魂牵梦萦,最后他去请求维纳斯女神成全。维纳斯让皮革马利翁用手碰触雕像,雕像变成了一位活生生的美貌女子。皮革马利翁相当高兴,给她取名伽拉忒娅,并带她去感谢维纳斯。萧伯纳以这个故事为蓝本,以卖花女一剧表现出皮格马利翁和伽拉忒娅可能会发生的问题。本剧曾于1938年翻拍成黑白电影,由 Wendy Hiller …

Caesar and Cleopatra, a play written in 1898 by George Bernard Shaw, is a fictionalized account of the relationship between Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. It was first staged in 1901 and first published with Captain Brassbound's Conversion and The Devil's Disciple in his 1901 collection, Three Plays for Puritans. It was …