Endymion este al treilea roman științifico-fantastic scris de Dan Simmons din seria Hyperion Cantos. Centrat în jurul noilor personaje Aenea și Endymion, romanul a fost la fel de bine primit ca Hyperion și Căderea lui Hyperion - timp de un an de la publicarea sa, ediția broșată a avut cinci reeditări. Romanul a fost …

Drood is a novel by Dan Simmons. The novel, narrated by William Wilkie Collins (a fellow novelist, playwright and a friend of Charles Dickens) details the last five years of Dickens' life after he survived a railway accident. The entire novel can be read as an explanation for Charles Dickens' motivation for his last …

A series of high-speed fatal car wrecks -- accidents that seem. as if they may have been staged -- is leading Darwin Minor down a dangerous road. A reluctantexpert on violent ways to die, he sifts clues from wreckage the way a brilliant coroner extracts damning information from a victim's corpse. But the deeper …

Căderea lui Hyperion este al dolea roman science fiction al lui Dan Simmons din seria Hyperion Cantos. În 1991, romanul a câștigat premiile British Science Fiction și Locus, fiind nominalizat și la premiul Hugo în același an, precum și la premiul Nebula în 1990.

The Crook Factory is a thriller novel by American author Dan Simmons. The book was initially published by William Morrow on March 1, 1999. The novel tells a fictionalized version of the real life counter-espionage and spy ring, known as the Crook Factory, that was set up by Ernest Hemingway in Cuba during World War II.

Carrion Comfort is a science fiction/horror novel by American writer Dan Simmons, published in 1989 in hard cover by Dark Harvest and in 1990 in paperback by Warner Books. It won the Bram Stoker Award, the Locus Poll Award for Best Horror Novel, and the August Derleth Award for Best Novel. This book is much longer …