Iron Council is China Miéville's fourth novel and his third set in the Bas-Lag universe, following Perdido Street Station and The Scar, although each can be read independently of the others. In addition to the steampunk influences shared by its predecessors, Iron Council also draws several elements from the western …
Un Lun Dun is a young adult fantasy novel by China Miéville, released in 2007. The title is derived from 'UnLondon,' the name of the alternate realm where the book is set. It also contains illustrations by Miéville. It was first released as a hardback in the United Kingdom in January 2007 by Macmillan Publishers, then …
The City & the City is a novel by British author China Miéville, combining weird fiction with the police procedural; it was written as a gift for Miéville's terminally ill mother, who was a fan of the latter genre. The novel was published by Macmillan on 15 May 2009. In the US it was published by Del Rey Books on …
Blizna – powieść steampunkowa autorstwa brytyjskiego pisarza Chiny Miévilla. Dostała nagrodę British Fantasy Award oraz nominację do Nagrody im. Arthura C. Clarke'a. Polskie tłumaczenie ukazało się w 2006 nakładem wydawnictwa Zysk i s-ka.
Dworzec Perdido − powieść łącząca elementy fantasy i steampunku, autorstwa brytyjskiego pisarza Chiny Miévilla. Otrzymała nagrodę British Fantasy Society i nagrodę im. Arthura C. Clarke'a, jak również była nominowana do nagród Nebula, Hugo w kategorii "Najlepsza powieść", World Fantasy Award oraz wyróżnienia …