image of Tove Jansson

Tove Jansson

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An elderly artist and her six-year-old grand-daughter while away a summer together on a tiny island in the gulf of Finland. As the two learn to adjust to each other's fears, whims and yearnings, a fierce yet understated love emerges - one that encompasses not only the summer inhabitants but the very island itself. …

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"Sabatäht" on teine muumiraamat. Mõnikord loetakse seda teost ka esimeseks muumiraamatuks, kuna siin on sees juba paljud tähtsamad tegelased ning tegevustik toimub Muumiorus, kuhu muumitrollid jõuavad alles eelnenud teose "Väikesed trollid ja suur veeuputus" lõpus.