Moon Tiger is a 1987 novel by Penelope Lively which spans the time before, during and after World War II. The novel won the 1987 Booker Prize. It is written from multiple points of view and moves backward and forward through time. It begins as the story of a woman who, on her deathbed, decides to write a history of …
In The Road to Lichfield, Penelope Lively explores the nature of history and memory as it is embodied in the life of a forty-year-old woman, Anne Linton, who unexpectedly learns that her father had a mistress. With this new knowledge, Linton must now examine the realities of her own life - of her childhood, her …
Det spøker for James er en barnebok fra 1973 av den britiske forfatteren Penelope Lively. Boka handler om gutten James som sammen med familien flytter inn i et gammelt hus på den engelske landsbygda. Huset viser seg å være tilholdssted for et gjenferd. Gutten blir etterhvert kjent med gjenferdet og får vite at han het …